23rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs

The FGF Norbert Szyperski Technologie and Innovation Management Award 2019 was given to Christoph Ihl and Jan Niklas Wick.

The 23rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs was held in Vienna from September 25th to 27th, 2019. Lead partner of the FGF e.V. was the WU Vienna University of Economics, Institute for SME Management and Entrepreneurship represented by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Roessl, who together with PD Dr. Alexander Kessler represented the presidency of the conference. The overarching theme of the G-Forum 2019 in Vienna was: Opportunities for SMEs in a globalized world Christoph Ihl and Jan Niklas Wick got the FGF Norbert Szyperski Technologie and Innovation Management Award 2019

Birgit Grabi
Team & Project Manager